Tis the season

Hello!!  I promise I haven’t been intentionally ignoring this blog.  I’m bad at taking the few spare minutes I have during the day to jot down notes of what I want to say, so by the time I get to the computer, I am blank. The holidays have been busy, but this year I tried […]

Random Acts of Kindness

Wow.  This year I feel so blessed.  I’ve always wanted to be in the position to donate to good causes or help out the needy or just do good things but, unfortunately, I’ve usually been on the receiving end of that kindness and therefore not able to do it for other people.  This year, however, I […]

Countdown to Christmas!

That time of year is upon is… The season of joy, delight, giving, generosity, and wonder.  In the past I have focused on trying to budget and plan and make the most of the holiday.  This year however, I’d like to just enjoy it.  Money is tight (as it is for many families) but there is […]

Giving Thanks

This time of year is really pretty wonderful.  It is a time of reflection, for rejoicing, and for giving thanks.  In the old days, it was for harvest and bounty… These days people are grateful for their iPads, phones, and other various material things.  I, however, am thankful for a lot more than that. My […]