Menu Plan Monday #7

Happy Monday!  I’m staying on track (so far!) with my blogging challenge, so yay for that!  We had a really great weekend with the amazing and lovely Pam and her family at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  I mentioned it yesterday in my post about happiness, but here’s a quick recap for you.  First Sundays […]

Menu Plan Monday #6

Happy Monday again!  This week has gone by entirely too fast.  The weather was decent today, even though it was really windy and cold, so we took an adventure to our local park to let Charlie play.  She loves her park time.  Did I ever mention the time that I was driving home from the […]

Menu Plan Monday #5

Happy Monday!  I don’t know about you, but I don’t hate Mondays.  It means that Dave has started up his workweek again, but for me and Charlie, it is just another day filled with watching Netflix and playing. Here is my plan for the week!!  It’s going to be hard to top last weeks’ meals […]